

Gone To Long.......

I'm so frustrated with myself for letting my blog go....  I have been utterly and completely taken over by life and schedule this past year.  Homeschooling leaves me with very little free time during the day.  My eldest son began his first year of college which brought us to Lansing quite a bit last fall.  Olyvia started high school and has been in a sport ever since.  Jaden is double sporting with soccer and TaeKwonDo.  Jona started violin lessons and began having a social life.  We added a third foster care resident which is proving to be quite time consuming.  My mom had quite a few health problems this past year and needed more help.  I started picking up more shifts at the hospital and personally I struggled through another bout of depression.  I almost feel as though I've lost an entire year to complete exhaustion, over scheduled weeks, obsessions with weight loss and wanting to nap!!  I certainly was NOT ready for summer to end last year.  I had never wanted fall to "not" get here so badly in my life.  I was not the mom counting down the days to ship everyone off..... I could have lasted another few months easily.  So here we are, another school year almost ending.  I'm SO excited for summer yet again.  I'm excited for Ivan and I and some of the goals we are working toward.  I'm elated that my children are healthy and successful in their own "little" worlds.  I'm incredibly proud of Spencer.  He had many personal struggles entering into his first year of adulthood.  Many adjustments and life changes and he has done a remarkable job.  Olyvia has struggled a bit as a freshman "girl" in high school.  What female hasn't lived through that drama and wished never to look back on it. She is doing her very best and is turning into quite the fabulous young women....pretty damn gorgeous as well:)  We took our first family spring break vacation last month.... drove to florida and stayed at the Orange Lake Resort!!  Our first spring break in 10 years.  I will certainly remember that trip for many years.... the adventure and the 3 or 4 family emergencies that got called in before we were even out of Atlanta!  I'm back to blogging!  This is something I enjoy and want to have in future years.  It's my "journal" of sorts.  I'm told on a very regular basis that one day my life will be boring and free of chaos!  When and IF that ever happens I won't have anything to blog, so I need to make the time NOW to do this.  Then when I am bored 20 years from now, I can come back here and relive the chapters of my life!