

Rolling along with Football!

I Love this guy and all his moves.....

First day of School, 1st day of NO UNIFORMS:)

Their most exciting event was hot lunch and no uniforms....


My 2nd most fun Event!

Dads Birthday Ribs @ Fat Matt's!!!!

Our farewell Brady Bunch Shots!
In front of the Kings Memorial!
Uncle Ivan and Orion!
1 of many pee breaks on our trip, this one leaving Nashville!
I love these two pictures! My 007 coming from the deep end:)

So, a week after school got out our family headed South! This would be our first road trip together... I am NOT a fan of long car rides so I wasn't sure how this adventure was going to be. Ivan and I stood in the kitchen before pulling out of the driveway. We prayed for safety, for patience and for an awesome family vacation! Minus Spencer who was staying home bc of his first ever "official" summer job! We first drove straight through to Mammoth Cave, I don't know if Ivan or the kids were more excited? I was excited because they were so excited and because I new we'd be getting out of the car after 8 hours! Ivan was SOOOO patient on the drive. Not ever once breathing deep, huffing or yelling at the umpteen stops we made before even getting out of Michigan! The caves were an awesome experience with my family! I hadn't been there since I was 8 years old... the exact age of Jaden! We new ahead of time that it was 112' degrees in Nashville... ICK! Ivan loves the heat.... but the cold of the caves was a WELCOME surprise! After spending the afternoon at the caves, we headed for Nashville where we would sleep. On Monday we spent the day at Nashville Shores.... for many of us this was one of the BEST days of our entire summer! It was squelching heat and the wave pool was a HUGE hit, Jaden and Jona rarely came out of it! I was always taking note that mom and dad never argued once! That evening we finished the rest of our road trip arriving at Levi and Nichelles house late Monday! We spent the entire week with them. Going to the most awesome man made beach, play practice, Martin Luther Kings museum, church and several New restaurants for the Young's. It was both fathers day and Ivan's 42nd birthday while on vacation! His gift to self (a road side firework stop across the Kentucky border.) I'd say the most impacting memory of the week in Atlanta was the time Ivan was able to spend with his cousin! Levi is a very spiritual and uplifting man! Every morning before his family awakens he goes on a prayer walk through his neighborhood. He prayers for family, friends, neighbors, strangers, the world, his church and I'm pretty sure whatever else floats into his head! This was quite inspiring to Ivan who upon returning home started doing the same thing, both alone and with his children! How transforming to have a father prayer walking every morning to start the day! This was a fantastic trip and I can't wait for the next one!!! It took way WAY to long for this to happen and by far it was one of my best summer memories with my husband.

Next to come... My Most memorable summer moment with??? You'll have to stand by!