

My girl makes me laugh!

Jona asked me about the middle finger today? "Mom, why is it so bad to hold up this finger all by itself?" I tried my best to say people do that when they are really really mad and they can't find words to use. OR they are in a car and the other person can't hear them. BUT these people are very naughty b/c it't just not nice.
What the heck am I supposed to say. So I said "it's like when someone says a really really bad naughty ugly word. It's very bad and that's what the finger kind of means to?" She listened intently and said Drum roll please....

"Oh, it's ok then for me to use it all by itself as long as I"m really really mad at somebody. It's like when dad yelled that word after sitting on the table and breaking it? If I was big and yelled SHIT instead I'm going to hold up my finger all by itself..... OK mom?"

OH MY LORD>>>>> I laughed so hard there was no point in continuing the conversation any further:)

I love my girl!


How come I can't type in color anymore?

Ivan and I went to a Brazilian masquerade ball last Saturday! He won first place for best male costume... I'm taking credit for picking out the mask:)
I wanted the daily quote that you have on yours Shalimar... How come I can't figure this stuff out? I don't want this creepy Einstein thing?