

Facebook killed my BLOG!!!

Seems that everything I used to post here I have spent the last year posting on FB! If I was really good at this I'd have someone show me how to streamline my status updates to this site:) I'm going to do better b/c this will be more fun to read later down the line! So, Jona is the one making all of us smile these days.... Yesterday she was asking about brown and white skin, a genetics lesson for 1st grade. I get finished with the "part of me and part of dad lesson" and think she gets it. She says to me "So, ky and jaden and me are all brown cuz we have half of you and half of dad?" Yes, that is correct. THEN "that means Olyvia is all of you and none of dad.... she's only momma genes:) yes yes dear... What the hell else was I supposed to say:)