

He did it! That's my Boi!

Last weekend marked Spencer's first serious step into prepping for college football. The NIKE Chicago football combine took place. I dropped Spencer, Jeshuran and Raesean off on my way to a girls weekend and let them venture around Chicago independently for Sat and Sund. They all said it was a great experience, they wish they could practice a couple of weeks and do it again (now that they know what to expect.) However, for a practice run they all did an awesome job!!! Spencer ranked 132 out of roughly 900 athletes!!! Yea Ky!

Now on to the rest of my goings on....
I have a Junior in HS running track and playing Lacrosse (No idea how many practices and games that is in a week, WAY to many!)
A 7th grader running track and riding horses. (4 practices a week and or 2 track meets and 2 practices) Tutoring twice a week.
A 2nd grader playing soccer (1 game a week and 2-3 practices)
A 1st grader playing soccer (1 game 1 practice)
A resident that has to be picked up EVERY Wed from counseling right at the same time as the kids from school and practice.
A husband that works fulltime evening/night shift.... no not always available to help with transport (not his fault)

Hmmmm If I add all of this up that's approx 17 places I need to be on any given week. Seeing as though I'm only 1 person..... This may prove to be quite a complicating spring:)

PS somewhere in there I'm supposed to watch all these games, feed all these people and wash all there clothes?????