

It's 4:11pm

Happy New Year's to you all!!!!! Ivan is jumping out of his skin at this point he is soooooo ready to go dance!! After 3 days of txting and 4 hours of back and forth phone calls, I think we 99.99999% sure we finally have a destination!!! I'll post pictures in the future... can't do it anymore with my broken camera! Borrowed mommies for Christmas Pics:) Hang in there Shalimar, puppies take work!!!! Don't you have a tree out back that you can tie her to with a really long rope so she can run around?


Christmas funnies!

How come the button disappeared to let me change txt color? Over all Christmas was a great success.... just long and kind of loud! Jaden takes the cake for funniest comment of the entire day. Ivan didn't know anything about the Wii so he handed out gifts kind of in the wrong order. Olyvia opened the remotes to the Wii first and freaked out and got all excited. Jaden looked at her kind of puzzled, shrugged his shoulders and said "to bad we don't have a Wii Olyvia, can't use those!" I laughed so hard, we all did! Bye for now!


Absolutely Hilarious!

Jaden's turn to help me bake tonight! While reading off ingred and adding them to bowl I said outloud 2 and 3/4ths flour! He quickly said "OK, I got it!" He then opened up the drawer and started counting out forks.. hmmm?? I asked, what are you doing babe? He replied, counting out the forks.. you said 2 and then 3 forks!!! I laughed so hard that he even started laughing and I don't think he new why?

Left over's from my birthday! Wanna bite?

Olyvia is gorgeous in this picture and I have no idea why? She is folded up in Nanna's old lady moveable bed:)

ONe More!

That's a lot of snow!!

My big boy playing in the snow:)

Ummm yeah, we gotta little snow goin on!

THe drifts were up to my thighs!!! Snow all in my boots!

Never in my wildest DREAMS!!!


I know... I always take great shots of Janet!



I don't know why but my pictures aren't uploading the same way anymore... I don't know how to type under them b/c they don't show up? The bottom picture is on my Birthday! I was able to go to lunch with two of my fantastic friends and had a fantabulous time!!! I'm so blessed to have both of them in my life:) Ivan and Jona putting up Christmas decorations on a freezing cold day! He had on two hats and a head band ear warmer:) My sister and I on Thanksgiving and Jona posing for model pictures again.. That's 4, what was the 5th?? hmmm

Getting ready for CHristmas and some Thanksgiving!



I always forget that if I want Ivan to do something... ANYTHING at all.... all I have to do is very simply ask....
OR make a comment something like this.
"Ivan you will never" "Ivan never" "Ivan doesn't ever"
That's all.... if I put those few little words in my sentence he hops right on it!
After my last post and all the "girls" and his sister razzed him, he came home and cleaned the entire house, did at least 6 loads of laundry and then shoveled out the entire barn!!! All that because I said he didn't go out into the snow and cold to do any kind of work:) WOW! My man was a very busy beaver yesterday and I love him dearly:)



OK OK let me just vent here for a moment before I yell, cry, scream or pour myself a glass of wine at 9:08 in the morning...

Woke up, (nope) not going to be a snow day!
Get kids ready for school, (nope) their still sick, keep two of them home!
Get one ready and to the bus..
Get the ladies up, fed, dressed and to their rides!
Start the dryer again, and start another load of wash!
Shovel the deck and front of drive to get into garage!
Feed outside cat and collect the trash can and recycle from road! ( a truck hit them)
Salt the deck and drive b/c mom's resident is coming for 2 days and she is in a WHEELCHAIR!
(Oh yeah, i have no ramp for wheelchairs, I carry her up and down the stairs!)
Feed Jaden and Jona breakfast and restart dryer!
Bring all the inside recycle outside that has been piling up for 3 days!
Go to barn to water and feed chickens... Door frozen shut, go find WD-40!
Get into barn... OH YEAH.... 3 eggs, one dead chicken and I'm really irritated!
Scoop dead chicken, water chickens, feed chickens, shovel up some chicken shit! AND wonder why I'm doing
it b/c this is dad's project?? hmmmm, that's right, dad hates winter and won't go outside in the snow....
(still irritated)
Come back inside, load the dishwasher, check my sick kids on couch and decide that this day stinks already, how will I change it around? AFter all, it's only 9:03 in the morning and I'm spent.
Sit down to type this and find Olyvia's lunch and breakfast, the one I reminded her to grab at last 3 times:(

Note to self, remember to shower today, it's been 4 days at least????

Always find something to be Thankful for, in everything give Thanks!!!
Well..... hmmmmm, I bought those happy Vit D tablets... the ones that are supposed to be like sunshine to my soul! The sun is shinning right now in the back yard and I don't think it has in about a week! AND, I need a new job really, really bad and Porter Hills called yesterday to set up an interview... I'll pray for that new job, just as soon as I have two seconds to breath:)

Thanks for listening to me vent all:)

hugs, Dusty


Oh my gosh, it worked!!!!!

Click the picture and it brings you to this really cool sticker site... I just love how cool technology is and how fast everything is. I just hate that I don't get much of it!! ANYWAY, I'm thinking that I found my next and last and final tatoo!!!!! Whatcha think??? Throw in a black U2 and I'm set for life:)

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